Run away, now

By Anonymous - 15/12/2016 04:50

Today, my girlfriend gave me a choice of having a circumcision or breaking up with her. Either way I'm going to lose something I hold dear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 417
You deserved it 1 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lose the girl. It's one thing if she wants you to change your hair style it's another thing entirely to chop off a piece of your dick for no valid medical reason.

mariri9206 32

Agreed. You can find a better girl. You shouldn't have to be in a relationship where there are ultimatums, especially ones that involve unnecessary surgery.


I do know one thing though, bitches they come they go. Saturday through Sunday Monday, Monday through Sunday, yo. Keep your foreskin!

Tell her that you want to make it a couple activity! Strong couples do things together. Make an appointment for both male and female circumcision and do it at the same time, in the same operating theatre! How sweet!

saffy66 34

You can always get another girl- but I don't think the technology yet exists to regrow your foreskin.

In her defense, as a girl myself, an un- circumcised penis does look really weird.

Penises in general look weird. Bodies are weird. You're probably used to one or the other so the other seems weird. That's no reason to try to make someone get circumcised.

That is cultural - if you were living in a tribe who pulled out their incisors, a person with a full set of teeth would look odd, too. I personally consider circumcision a mild form of mutilation, and it disturbs me it is still common in the US. (Also female here.) The female equicalent would be surgically removing the clitorial hood. How would you look upon a bf who demanded that of you?

Is this ultimatum for religious reasons? If she's Jewish, it's required to have a bris convert to Judaism.

writergirl1029 17

There's nothing wrong with male circumcision in and of itself, but the fact that she's trying to make you do surgery on your body for purely cosmetic reasons is not okay. The only way I could sort of justify it is if she were devoutly Jewish.

Circumcision is an outdated (and most of the time not needed) procedure that should be abolished in the States completely. We're one of the few countries to still do it. It has no place in current times. You should be happy you aren't. The procedure is incredibly painful (as a child and an adult) and as a baby, most of the time doctors don't even bother to use anesthesia, or if they do it's not even enough to stop the pain. 100 baby boys die every year from bleeding to death or infection for ******* aesthetics. It's disgusting.

Ultimatuming you over something like that? Heck, demanding something like that in the first case. That's disturbing, to say the least. That's one of the rare occasions I'm siding with the ''get away from her'' crowd...

Bottom line is you should never have to change something (ANYTHING) physically about yourself, let alone something as important as your foreskin, for someones own preference with the threat of them dumping you, its borderline abusive

ncparry 18

Circumcision to me doesn't matter at all....lose the girlfriend, there is where the problem is.