
By nthor - 11/03/2009 18:05 - United States

Today, a man on the train asked me if I had any change. I quickly responded with, "No habla ingles." He then tapped me on the shoulder and said, "That would've been a lot more believable if you weren't reading that paper." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 696
You deserved it 141 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wesayxsummer 0

it would also be more believable if you used correct grammar.

cady18 0

would've also been more believable if you spoke correct spanish.


"No habla engles" means "he/she doesn't speak English (which is still misspelled anyway)". "I don't speak English" should be "Yo no hablo ingles" or "No hablo ingles".

I was going to add that you used the wrong conjugation of hablar but by the looks for it it's already been covered in some depth so I shall stick to you totally deserved it

Shady_Griffin 0

It's no hablo ingles.....I'm a freshman in high school....owned....twice

iThinkiPod 0

That's what you get for being a jerk.

@161 um youre the dumbass tryna correct ppl its "no habla ingles" and it means i dont speak english

Tu hablas español, ¿verdad? ¿No? A continuación, cierra la puta boca. Hay muchos personas estupidan.

What ever happened to just saying "No, sorry"?