
By fuck gangnam style in the anus - 20/10/2012 22:48 - United States - Stevenson Ranch

Today, I purchased a brand new television. Not long after the professional who hung it on my wall left, it came crashing down on my hardwood floor. I'm now left with a busted TV, a tear in my living room wall, and a severely drained bank account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 090
You deserved it 2 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call the guy back and give him what's coming to him. That's not cool.


Well it's totally the fault of the installer, and while annoying, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to get this sorted.

CoolRainbowdash 15

What does gangnam style have to do with this FML?

It it really was a professional who installed it, you're entitled to compensation. Call them back, get it sorted out.

What!? It's a flat screen tv from Costco? Is that what you're implying?

528Alice491 3

Maybe don't spend money on something you cover the costs of invade something goes wrong..

I feel you, i bought some expensive keyboard and a mouse, they are broken, i did not had the chance to use them, not even once

onorexveritas 23

if you just bought it, there should be a year warranty

Get his arse back and solve your misery. Whining here is redundant.