
By fuck gangnam style in the anus - 20/10/2012 22:48 - United States - Stevenson Ranch

Today, I purchased a brand new television. Not long after the professional who hung it on my wall left, it came crashing down on my hardwood floor. I'm now left with a busted TV, a tear in my living room wall, and a severely drained bank account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 090
You deserved it 2 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call the guy back and give him what's coming to him. That's not cool.


PAZ5037 2

Get him back there, he should have public liability insurance to cove things like that

b_rad_fml 4

OP, if the installer is a true professional he is insured. TV warranties also have clauses relating to situational damage such as this. The installer's company may be responsible for replacing the TV but they definitely are on for the wall repair. Good luck!

I would have clicked "I agree, your life sucks", but then I saw your username. I don't care if you don't like the song, that's an immature and puerile way to react. Grow up.

Believing that no one should express a dislike of something you like is immature, too. Quit whining and let people have their opinions.

If I was some Rockefeller type, I'd buy you a new tv. That Samsung talking type even. Just because I love the screen name. I totally cannot stand that song. Dumbest shit ever!!!

By "professional" you mean...? Looks like you got the wrong person >.

Ask him to fix the or sue him and drain hs bank account.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Ask them to replace the TV or sue them if they say no.

myztwenty8 4

what kind of Moran doesn't know how to install their Owen tv them self

What kind of moron doesn't know how to spell?

if it was proffesionally done it should be warrentied falling down the same day