
By fuck gangnam style in the anus - 20/10/2012 22:48 - United States - Stevenson Ranch

Today, I purchased a brand new television. Not long after the professional who hung it on my wall left, it came crashing down on my hardwood floor. I'm now left with a busted TV, a tear in my living room wall, and a severely drained bank account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 090
You deserved it 2 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call the guy back and give him what's coming to him. That's not cool.


secretsymbiote21 5

don't you have a warranty or Something? and the sucks Ass OP

Well I'm pretty sure that whatever company that professional works for owes you some money. Unless your house was made with really cheap stuff that didn't hold up.

olpally 32

Well, that's unfortunate and the username is hilarious... Lol... I guess he's just a professional troll and not a tv mounter like you thought he/she was...

HooHooHa 6

At least your hardwood floor is still ok

Call that bitch and tell him if he don't come fix it, y'all gonna have a problem.

Why is it every time someone sneezes some ass wipe say sue him. The installer should have insurance to cover such accidents. That is why we pay insurance to cover our stupidity.

Call the company that had their "professional" hang your tv and makes them replace it

They're liable for that shit. Professional installation my ass.

Unfortunately we all are not perfect like you think you are. Mistake and accidents happen to everyone. And for the stupid ***** that say the tv had a warranty. The warranty covers factory defects. Falling on the floor after improper mounting in the installers fault. As I said before that is why we pay insurance premiums to cover our ass incase of a mistake