Rock n roll!

By christous - 22/11/2008 04:42 - France

Today, I was supposed to perform my first concert in front of a crowded audience. As we were about to go on stage, my band decided to roll a joint outside. The cops just happened to pass by, and now I'm on my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 547
You deserved it 5 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skierguy 0

You should move to Van. The cops probably would have just smoked with them.

aww! thats a major downer! but don't stop smoking pot! vermont police don't care much.


Holly crap what a band u shouldn't be around people like that

Um the Beatles did drugs. Bob Dylan introduced them to pot. A lot of famous musicians do/did drugs. Pot is just about as bad as alcohol.

It's much less dangerous than alcohol....

Seabeast1000 4

they are legally growing weed in Kansas!

haha i'm living in the netherlands it's not illegal here... but stil it sucks.

All you people who say they deserve it for smoking pot, pot is not that big a deal. It's as bad as alcohol. There are tons of famous musicians who have done pot

Actually booze is worse. Alott worse. Ever heard of a marijuana related death?

Yes but it was indirect... I mean I don't smoke and prob never will its just not my thing but of you want to be my guest.

That is why I always have a backing track ready.

smoking weed not bad, smoking weed illegally very bad. ydi

lina_bean 5

Look at it this way... All that limelight and no one to share it with... I mean if we were just talking lemonlight that'd be gross without some sugar, but limelight... I do believe you've scored, OP.