By A girl - 27/06/2011 07:55 - Netherlands

Today, it has been 8 months since I started a photography project in which I would take a picture of the same tree every day for a year. I just heard a noise outside. They cut the tree down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 798
You deserved it 4 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kristen2322 0

That's so sad. You can keep doing the project and just show the stump. Turn it into some artsy go green anti-human thing.


well, i'm doing a education in furniture makin, so maybe I have made a nice chair of your tree. lolz

That's great! It can add a whole new depth and meaning to your project!!

Keep taking those pictures, at least this will be different than all the other "taking a picture of X every Y period of time, for Z time" projects.

tayfehrenbachxo 0

take a picture of the fallen treee then paper and other things made of treees.

awww that sucks I've always wanted to see the growth of a tree like that I'm not being sarcastic btw

occasional01 1
alyssana 0

take a picture of the stump and make it a "save the trees"campaign.