By A girl - 27/06/2011 07:55 - Netherlands

Today, it has been 8 months since I started a photography project in which I would take a picture of the same tree every day for a year. I just heard a noise outside. They cut the tree down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 798
You deserved it 4 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kristen2322 0

That's so sad. You can keep doing the project and just show the stump. Turn it into some artsy go green anti-human thing.


dentondobbins 0

plant another tree in its place and just have it go in a loop

doesn't mean the project is over. just part of the process. did they get rid of the stump?

take a picture of the stump... it seems really artistic ^__^

now you know how the avatar people feel:)

megthegreat 2

well an 8 month project is still cool!

musicmaniac0099 0

aww that sucks! damn those lumber jacks lmao.

Your project doesn't have to be over! you should plant a new tree and take pictures of it growing, like new life beginning where an old one ends :)

NaranjaLime 1

That's good! Now your project is finished!

ashtree 12

Definitely take pictures of that stump, or whatever's left. It will have a stronger artistic message and a more profound effect on the viewer. Show how something that could have taken decades to grow can be destroyed in just a matter of minutes, and relate it to all life. A+ FO SHO. O: