Public freakout time

By Roode - 22/07/2011 17:36 - United States

Today, I was in a pool locker room, surrounded by semi-naked people. While changing into my clothes, I accidentally pushed a button on my phone, causing it to make the loud, unmistakable camera shutter sound effect. Everyone definitely heard it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 611
You deserved it 5 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kwchambers92 10

imagine explaining that one. awkward

salvorican 24

You should have winked at them ;)


That's why you follow the gym's rules turn off your ******* phone in the locker room. Asshole.

its a pool so they don't have thos rules and chill out.

keyboo 0

since when did a pool locker room become a movie theater???

iLoveBoobies21 0
baseballlegitly0 2

let them look at ur photo history

I thought this only happens in movies. Hahahahaha!!