Public announcement

By Pissed - 05/10/2011 15:29 - Australia

Today, in an incredibly busy shopping center bathroom with my 5 year-old niece, I was squatting over the toilet seat to avoid germs. My niece then says at the top of her voice, "Auntie, why are you sitting like a kangaroo?" I'd say the whole room pissed their pants laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 737
You deserved it 8 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just put toilet paper on the seat and take a shower when you get home

It's not like I don't understand why people don't want to use public toilets, but wouldn't it be easier to bring some toilet seat covers? Squatters often cause the most mess.


just wiper the seat off and sit.. it's your butt not your tongue.

YDI, the likelihood of picking up anything nasty from sitting on a public toilet is highly unlikely. Unless its obviously dirty or you have an open cut on your bum.

So u avoid germs by pissing all over the toilet seat? How sweat of u. I bet u don't wipe up ur piss when ur done. Just put toilet paper on the seat & sit down. Would u squat to take a shit????

Use toilet roll next time . No matter how you 'sit' the germs will reach you . Unless you pee 30cm away from the toilet bowl . Within 30cm , the germs still can reach you .

Awesome :) but why not make a nest on the seat then no mess lol

Nothing wrong with squatting. It's fast and you can still aim just fine. Who cares if a woman sits or squats. It's what she prefers.

Next time lick the seat clean before use.

inb4 OP is a hypochondriac and you can't get sick from sitting on a toilet seat

inusariel 0

I do it too! Ppl don't wash their butts!