
By stillwaiting - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that my boss plays a trick on all the interns. He calls you to his office, then leaves you waiting outside until you get annoyed and leave. Apparently, the old record was 45 minutes. I waited 4 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 178
You deserved it 11 326

Top comments

Oooh, that sucks. YDI, a bit, but that shows dedication too XD Jet

FYL, at least you were responsible enough to wait. Still, you should have thought something was wrong after the first 20 minutes or so and talked to him. Four hours is a looong time.


You ought to **** his wife. That ought to make it about even.

licketyslit 0
dedalus_fml 0

At least they know treating someone like that is a prank - in some companies there wouldn't be a punchline. You might want to stick around. And to previous posters - interns don't get paid, duh.

plutosaplanet 0

Wow, while I'm sure he now knows your dedicated, I'm pretty sure somewhere in that four hour period something should have told you to either try back at another time or that he was just messing with you.

Uhhh... A) it was a man, B) he didn't get fired. Are you seriously this ******* retarded? I mean, c'mon.. how do you manage to breathe?

with how incredibly difficult it is to find a job, some people will do literally anything to keep their job once they have it. no matter how “stupid” it may sound, they do it anyway because they will be fired otherwise. and maybe they were too scared to say anything for fear of being fired?