
By stillwaiting - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that my boss plays a trick on all the interns. He calls you to his office, then leaves you waiting outside until you get annoyed and leave. Apparently, the old record was 45 minutes. I waited 4 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 178
You deserved it 11 326

Top comments

Oooh, that sucks. YDI, a bit, but that shows dedication too XD Jet

FYL, at least you were responsible enough to wait. Still, you should have thought something was wrong after the first 20 minutes or so and talked to him. Four hours is a looong time.


Mignun 0

If you got paid for sitting around, there isn't a problem. Lol. Though, that sucks. As another poster said, hopefully he'll see the dedication in you.

jenny_gaal 5

actually, if he's an intern, he probably isn't even getting payed

bobby222 0


Jincos 0

Today, I called one of my interns into my office. I play a joke on them on who can wait the longest, and this intern waited four hours to leave. This caused me unable to eat lunch.

CraziOne 0

That wouldnt be an fml. If you did that to an employee it would be a ydi. All you would have to do is go out there and say never mind i got it taken care of our something. Or just ask them how they were liking the company. You would be an idiot if you missed your munch trying to prank someone. Kind of reminds me of the fml of the guy who stole lunches and was greeted by a dog food samdiwch.

Deadpoolscomedywriter 6

FYL for being so stupid and waiting FOUR hours.

Welcome to Dunder Mifflin! You are Michael Scott's new bitch!

flyboy57 0

yeah, you just showed your boss that you have no balls or backbone.

Wow, your boss sounds like a real douche, lol. How professional is that? You must be pissed for wasting so much time. On the bright side, it's better to be safe than sorry right? Who knew he'd be kidding around.

sunshyne84_fml 0

cuz she was too dumb to leave and stood there all that time like an idiot