
By pandaface - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, to wipe his crack, my boyfriend is still using a newspaper that I left there when he first started refusing to buy toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 215
You deserved it 5 913

Top comments


Aha, u can bring ur bf to the house of that girl who posted her dad showed her bf how to use toilet paper, & she is from England so it won't b a problem

why does your bf not want to buy TP? and using newspaper instead sounds rough. your bf is just weird, I'm sorry OP. that's just down right

I voted ydi, because you should have dumped him the FIRST time he made you use newspaper, not come around to see he's using the same paper

I have no doubt that you enjoy sensually tickling your anus with a corn cob, but why would you feel the need to tell us about it? Please keep your perversions private. Or PM KingDingALing or one of the mods - they like that kind of twisted shit.

macho4819 0

lmao ouch... dats not very nice

More than likely true though. I'd believe it after the stuff I've read from them.

You should buy him a subscription to the newspaper so that he can have fresh newspaper delivered every morning.

time for a cleaner bf I smell an upgrade some one who buts their own tp

fiveonefiveoh 0

yeah. toilet paper is definitely an issue that should make or break a relationship. it's like.. he cheated on her! it's like, he doesn't treat her right! it's like he never makes her smile. toilet paper.. that's a serious issue.

sourgirl101 28

Gross/lazy/cheap/crazy/nasty The signs are in black and white. Read them!