
By pandaface - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, to wipe his crack, my boyfriend is still using a newspaper that I left there when he first started refusing to buy toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 215
You deserved it 5 913

Top comments


Get him some recycled toilet paper. As in stuff from bins in town, public toilets, or anything nice like that.

better yet, give him a newspaper that belonged to a hobo. then dump his ass after he gets an STD(lol would this still be an STD considering it's not sexually transmitted??) then tell everyone he has an STD. lol don't really do this as it's mean. instead seriously encourage him to buy toilet paper and if he can afford it, tell him to grab some from work(if he has a job) or just buy him some for a while.

mattitucklove01 0

What a dump ass! please dump him, .

sallen0046 4

Why are you still dating someone that is wiping his ass with newspaper? It's one thing if you're camping out in the woods and have no other options. It's another thing entirely when you're too cheap and lazy to purchase a product made specifically for hygienic purposes. I don't care what he's doing with it, having wads of shitty newspaper in your home is completely disgusting.

Dump his ass! that mother effer is cheap as hell! he wont even buy u a 5 cent mint will he?

zowieandzander77 1

buy some TP for yourself and don't leave it in the bathroom. throw away the newspaper and take your towels out. he's only using the newspaper because it's there. I can't imagine someone bring so stubborn that they wouldn't wipe their ass... if that doesn't work dump his nasty shit stained ass.

rockell 0

okay I think it's time for a new boyfriend that can freaking buy toilet paper

slinginmac14 0

hide the yellowpages before he runs out of newspaper.