Pipe down, Brenda

By Anonymous - 20/05/2016 19:38 - United States - San Antonio

Today, my soon-to-be mother-in-law decided that she is going to be in charge of planning my wedding. All decisions must be approved by her, and anything she doesn't like will be thrown out. She also wants to go on our honeymoon with us to make sure I don't "defile" her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 955
You deserved it 1 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her to go flippity flappity f**k herself and that she could do that in her marriage not yours


devans00 14

Run, don't walk, as far and fast away from the marriage as possible. OP is not mature enough to be a wife if she can't stand up for herself.

GummiieBear 12

Y'all are from Texas so I'm not surprised

If your groom doesn't take a stand against this with you, it's a huge sign that should the wedding go ahead, you will be under her thumb for the rest of your marriage. If he doesn't take a stand with you, I strongly recommend giving back the ring and running like hell.

OMG she better stfu about defiling haha defile hum as many times as you want lol

Talk to your fiance and tell him. because its not her wedding. its yours and his she has no say in what happens.

If your husband-to-be is putting up with this shit, then you're in for some VERY bad problems down the road to Divorceville! It's YOUR wedding NOT hers and going on the honeymoon is a recipe for true disaster. Think this over kiddo, back out now if the old bag continues with this shit... but then again, maybe that's what she wants!

dapussyslayer 7

yeah honestly if dude is ok with crazy accompanying you on your HONEYMOON then he is a rich virgin with no balls and your life will be miserable. i watch my sister run around to sugar daddies and i promise, money does not buy happiness.

Get a restraining order like, now, and if your fiance complains, dump him. He should want you to be happy and she sounds like nothing but pain and drama and you do not need someone like that in your life.

You need to strictly set your ground, and drill her on the fact that it's YOUR day, NOT her's. if your fiancée takes her side, bye bye, their loss.

I hope you put on the big girl panties and told her to shove it. Although if your fiancé didn't help you oppose her, there may be a problem.