Parents vs. Parents

By hateparents - 11/10/2009 11:25 - Australia

Today, my parents met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. They not only brought along embarrassing childhood photos of myself, they'd 'accidentally' placed an intimate photo of me and my ex-girlfriend with them. That was their subtle way of telling everyone they prefered my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 923
You deserved it 3 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where did they get this intimate photo?? That's the real issue here..

It depends what you mean by intimate..


Man, your parents suck! Least they can do is show some respect.

Which is why I'm sure they won't mind when you "accidentally" slip an intimate photo of your parents inti your next Facebook album and "accidentally" tag both of them.

why do your parents have intimate photos of you and your ex? that's just some down-home disgusting shit right there.

You get embarrassed by childhood photos still? Wow.

droplets 0

First of all, you're an idiot for taking/giving your parents an intimate photo. Secondly, you could have just told your parents that if they were planning to bring childhood photos, that they would not be going at all.

Why does "intimate" have to refer to "*******"? It could probably be referring to only kissing or holding hands. Damn.

intimate? why would your parents even have that?