Out of place

By wowthanks - 11/01/2013 19:37 - United States - Baldwin Park

Today, I was asked out by a friend of mine. He's a doctor and works at a prestigious hospital, so thinking we would eat somewhere special, I got all dressed up. We ended up eating at his hospital's cafeteria, because he gets a small employee discount. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 896
You deserved it 7 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you might think he would take you somewhere special, but just because he didn't doesn't make him a bad person. There won't be fancy dining and wining all the time. Is he a resident on a smaller salary or fully licensed already? Maybe the man had to be on call later so he couldn't put all the juice into it he wanted to. You never know.

I'm sure he has a shitload of medical school student loans to pay off.


Warm up buttercup! Be glad he's at least spending time with you. The other nurses have been barking up that tree for ages.

Never assume OP. However I understand your pain if its only directed at the awkwardness of being overdressed- there's nothing worse!

Llama_Face89 33

I dunno about the hospital he works at but the one I work at won an award for best clam chowder in New England twice.

lohanthonyy 4

If you guys just started dating, then why would you right away feel the need that he would take you somewhere really fancy?

Give the guy another chance, maybe he will surprise you soon. Good luck.

But he's a doctor...>.> probably won't do much better than that.

Prestigious hospitals usually have prestigious cafeterias with prestigious prices. Besides, he's probably just weeding out which girls accept his offers just because they assume he's rich. Smart man.

shutterbug2947 7

Don't worry, OP, I'd be pissed too. If he wanted to save money he could have made some PB&J and taken you for a picnic or something.. Dates don't have to be expensive, but at least throw SOME effort in there.