Oh come on!

By Great. - 22/02/2013 22:32 - Brazil - Belo Horizonte

Today, I found an old toy that I gave to my daughter several years ago. It was still unopened, and long forgotten, so I decided to re-gift it to one of my friend's children. My daughter immediately remembered her "favorite" toy and started crying inconsolably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 702
You deserved it 11 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Maybe she loved it so much she never opened it? either that or she was waiting 50 years to put it on eBay...

Yea, I used to love to play with packaged Hot Wheels as a kid. I feel for her, the poor girl.


My mom bought a calligraphy kit for me and my sister for Christmas. To this day I don't know whose name was on it or why my sister and I both insisted we get to use it first but there was terrible horrible fighting aaaaand it was never touched....

Children are like that for the most part. They always want what the "other kid" has. Next time, be a little more discreet when giving away unused toys, or at least ask her first if she's old enough.

Not so long-forgotten then, huh? Whether your kid really cherished it or not, you walked right into that one. Next time ask your child first and give them the opportunity to feel the joy of giving. YDI, OP.

abebay 6

I would have said honey your (toys name) is at home still. Ill show u when we get back and hope she forgets. Haha. (Or) rush to Walmart and get another.

I'm so glad my mum doesn't do this. actually, for birthdays and stuff she tends to get me the Disney limited edition dolls. they are NEVER coming out of their boxes.

I remember growing up my brother and I would get a Power Ranger toy whenever we needed a new villain or hero. We used them DBZ style. We also had toys from other shows. Gave them new names and such. Our mom never threw or gave them away even when broke. Because we were poor we used the broken toys in a new way, like a battle injury. To this day we would never even think of getting rid of those toys, and its been years since we've used them.

What a wimp of a child. If it were in the box unopened how did she ever see it?

This would be the only time I would actually hit a child hard enough to do damage. Do NOT cry about your "favorite" toy if you've never even looked at it and played with it.

yzzami 17

#70 I fear for the kids you may have in the future

If you would hit a child for crying I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the 'only time.' There are a lot worse thing s kids can do.

josh73 1

How could u do that bitch lojk jkjk I know what u mean