Not so tech savvy

By holliefall - 02/06/2009 08:42 - United States

Today, I called Tech Support because the computer program wouldn't let me open files for my online classes. After an hour, and being walked through the downloading process multiple times. There was a pause and he said, "You're a fucking idiot." and hung up. It still won't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 544
You deserved it 22 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get his name and complain. he'll get the sack and you may get some actual help

you know, if after an hour and multiple explainations you still dont get it... hes probably right


chrisw265 0
TexanFury 0

Wow, that gives me another reason to hate tech support, beside the fact that no one speaks english ok those things.

That sucks. Your probably not an idiot, he is.

Okay, call me an idiot, but my phone doesnt work if i am online....

My brother works in Tech Support...based on what he's told me about some of his customers...YDI. Especially if you had it explained to you multiple far as getting fired goes...If tech support people got fired every time they called someone an idiot no one would be able to work in tech support.

i used to work as a csr. while there are some stupid people if anything like that was said whoever said it will loose their job. All calls are recoreded so just call back and ask to speak to a manager or superviser and get them to listn to ur conversation. you may even score some free crap out of it

gsx 0

#2 **** u and I hope u get eaten by a pack of wealsels

greenltrn2003 0

that sucks ur not a ****** idiot...(from my knowledge...but you could be :-) #2 burn in hell