Not so tech savvy

By holliefall - 02/06/2009 08:42 - United States

Today, I called Tech Support because the computer program wouldn't let me open files for my online classes. After an hour, and being walked through the downloading process multiple times. There was a pause and he said, "You're a fucking idiot." and hung up. It still won't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 544
You deserved it 22 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

get his name and complain. he'll get the sack and you may get some actual help

you know, if after an hour and multiple explainations you still dont get it... hes probably right


you know, if after an hour and multiple explainations you still dont get it... hes probably right

lol its funny to call the tech support people and really piss them off, be like " uhm sir i still dont completely understand you, you to plug the cord... into the ... wall?" lol and just keep going on its funny because they cant get mad and all the calls are recorded but anyways mann that sucks lol hope you figure it out

Sober1128 9

l wouldn't mess with tech support. they can screw you over. trust me

Thats really mean and immature. You sir are a grade A++ a$$h0£e. I hope a techie instructs you to download a massive turrent of viruses. You deserve it. And by the way, if the techie's supperior checks the recorded messages and sees that YOU were harrassing HIM, YOU are the one who will be found at fault. When I was a cashier at Sears a customer found that out the hard way. My manager cussed him out and banned him from the store AND filed harrassment charges. Not so funny now, is it?!!!

smc3106 25

@#353 -Learn to take a joke. It's not serious enough for all of that.

What the hell #2? And OP: srsly, call up the company and get that asshole fired. XD

henrygondorff 2

The person was terribly rude, so FYL, but I've got a feeling it was an expression of a thought that has some basis, so YDI. Wrong kind of computer? No app for the files? Something simple is wrong. #2 you are scum

indiajette 0

YprollyDI for being a ******* idiot, and I'm refreshing notalwaysright as we speak. But also FYL for not being able to figure it out in the end. Ain't technology grand?

YDI for not knowing how download and install.

Online classes can be awful to get onto. Believe me. I had to go into an actual office and they had to set it up. Apparently, there was a glitch. That's rude though. I'd complain and get him fired. It's their job to help, regardless of how long it takes.

slutsstud 0

hahhahahha.. thats awesome.. Y100%DI