Not cool

By ash203 - 12/12/2009 21:38 - United States

Today, my friend and I got really drunk at the holiday staff party. When I went to work afterwards, everyone gave me the death stare. Apparently, I got so drunk that I flashed my boss's 13-year-old son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 307
You deserved it 50 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for getting drunk at a WORK EVENT. That said, props to you for giving the young guy a show he will never forget. I'm sure he appreciates it. lol


shirvon100 0

you just made your boss' sons day, me thinks your getting a promotion. hahaha

By afterwards, I would assume she meant the next day. Also, people thinking that the OP is getting a promotion/bonus due to acting like an idiot by getting drunk and flashing her **** at a work party with children present are beyond naive.

I would just like to say that it is totally awesome that the YDI shows up as "yeah! way to show 'em (3232)" Perfectly appropriate in this case.

kitties_fml 12

there's a really easy solution to situations like this....don't get embarrassingly drunk at work events. duh.

jollyjam1 2

So I'm guessing that you aren't a rocket scientist.

YDI for getting that drunk but WTF was a 13 year old doing there?????

Ariel881 0

Employees are usually allowed to bring friends and family to their company holiday parties.

A lot of holiday staff parties allow staff members to bring their families. I went to my boyfriend's staff party last year and there were wives/girlfriends and kids everywhere. But if this was a bring-your-family event, why the HELL was there alcohol present????? Some might view that at providing alcoholic beverages to minors...I know the police here in Indianapolis surely would! OP, YDI for being a drunken ****. 1. Never EVER get drunk in the company of your boss or coworkers at a staff event, even if said event is after work hours. 2. Never EVER get drunk in front of minors. 3. Never EVER get drunk enough to flash your body at anyone, adult or child, unless you want to quit your job and become a stripper. And in that case, practice bending over so someone can snort lines off your ass.

YDI for not being able to spell "year". And for getting that drunk when there is a bunch of minors around. I dont know if i should say FHL (**** His life - 13 year old kid). Depends if your hot or not.

I can't help but point out hypocrisy... OP can't spell "year"...and you can't spell "you're". Don't you just love it when you catch the pot calling the kettle black?

oh shit i forgot an e i'm sorry. at least you can still tell its recognizability. But with yeah: no, that is not recognized as year in any way.

Cloudy_fml 0

*when there ARE a bunch of minors around. Might want to work on your own grammar before you start correcting others, darkpath. ;)

i prefer to save grammar for when it's more important.

TECHNICALLY, Cloudy, it could go either way. "A bunch is....." refers to a group of people acting as a single cohesive unit. "A bunch are..." refers to a group of people all acting as individuals within the group. It's sad that I remember that from my English classes. Or maybe not so sad, since that will probably be on my final this coming week.

gz_fml 0

:P Bahaha, I can't help but say you made a very obvious typo. 13 Yeah old son :) you must be still drunk...

SeximusPrime 0

You are the highest degree of stupid.