Not cool

By ash203 - 12/12/2009 21:38 - United States

Today, my friend and I got really drunk at the holiday staff party. When I went to work afterwards, everyone gave me the death stare. Apparently, I got so drunk that I flashed my boss's 13-year-old son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 307
You deserved it 50 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for getting drunk at a WORK EVENT. That said, props to you for giving the young guy a show he will never forget. I'm sure he appreciates it. lol


nija666 0

you really stuffed his stocking for Christmas lol, *****.

If it's a woman, the only thing that's going to happen is the child is going to brag to all his friends that he saw boobs. If it's a guy, expect a lawsuit.

ihatestupidppl 0

This is not a "YDI for getting drunk". Getting drunk - heck, even shitfaced - is fine if you're hanging out with your friends at someone's house or something. This is a "YDI for getting drunk at an office party". Yes, there's alcohol provided. But guess what? It's not part of your job requirements to drink every ounce of booze there! Quick lesson on office politics: At a party, the boss gets to be as sober or drunk as s/he wants to, because s/he's the boss. Anyone below that needs to keep their shit in check. Is it fair? Maybe not. But such is life. Unless you happen to work at Playboy, office party =/= party at the grotto. Learn some self control, it will get you pretty far.

YDI, no question about it. You probably lost your job, and if somehow, by the grace of God, you didn't.. You've probably lost all credibility with your boss. Way to go, pat yourself on the back.

das_sherm69 0

To the kid, "Hey, you broke your cherry!" Goodfellas

whats a 13 year old kid doin at a christmas party with drunk adults ?

It's implied that the OP and her friend were the only ones that got drunk. Anyway, From the looks of it, it was a Holiday Staff Party, one where people can bring their kids and family members. Nothing wrong with having a drink or 2, but if there are kids or family members there, not an acceptable place to drink to get drunk..

You got drunk at a family company party? WTF is wrong with you? Are you one of those people that can't have fun without being drunk and obnoxious? Everybody knows that getting drunk at a company party is a big no-no unless you're TRYING to get fired, given you're not a stripper.

if you are like 20 or 30 the kid prob thinks he is a playa haha