Not coming out

By HidenSeek - 08/05/2009 01:39 - United States

Today, my mom and I were watching this movie in which some girls start making out. My mother called them "sinners" claiming they'll "burn in hell twice". Then she said, "God doesn't like gays." I'm a lesbian. I picked out this movie as a way of coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 109 026
You deserved it 17 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry Homophobes, even homophobes that you're related to, are a pain in the ass Don't pay any attention to what your Mom says (however hard that may be) and good luck coming to your other friends/family/etc.

You should've said "I bet God doesn't like bigots either"


My friend did a similar thing. He was watching Rent with his mom and when Angel and Collins kissed she said "ew" and he turned to her and said "This is why I haven't come out to you yet." I'm sorry your mom had such a negative reaction before you even had a chance to come out.

zbots 0

Propose a conundrum to her. If God loves all his creatures, and you are one of God's creatures, then God must love you. You are gay, and God hates gays (apparently) - God must hate you. How can God both love you and hate you? Why would God create a person to hate? That's not a very nice God. Isn't God eternally good? It's also a sin to eat meat on Friday. Go fig.

sigh. thanks #13 thats what i used to tell homophobs too. i hope your mum will accept it slowly over time. my mum says that girls can only be sisters -_-

ryryo2 0

does mom know that the bible says love thy neighbor? accept people for who they are...? does she know by condemning people to hell she is sinning. and in the eye of god a sin by lying to someone is just as bad as a sin of killing a person. therefore your mom is also going to burn in hell twice for not loving thy neighbor... damn. that bible is tricky tricky.

That was her way of telling you to stay in.

crackr 0

Ugh.. Get over yourselves #13 & #15... This is a site that's for fun. You're making this too serious

kallie3 0

what is the movie called?

#17 Whats more fun than poking the hardcore Christians? ;-) Yes, the bible is tricky in these sorts of things. I'm no Christian myself. But from what I gather from speaking to others who are religulous (intentionally spelt before anyone says anything) is that only god/gods can judge someone and that it doesn't actually say much about gays or lesbians in the bible. These prejudges that some claim are a sin against god are peoples own prejudges. And claiming something to be an affront to their religion makes them no better than people who justify stoning/killing/terrorising by saying it is done in the name of their respective god/gods. But thats just my opinion.

Homosexuality is a sin, though I have nothing against it, but your mother is right. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.