Night on the tiles

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Ireland - Gorey

Today, I thought it would be a good idea to sneak out of work early and pay a little visit to the pub. I ended up staggering home, drunkenly making myself a nacho cheese dorito milkshake with the blender, then promptly puked my guts out all over the kitchen table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 977
You deserved it 46 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bonzer 2

"Today, I thought it would be a good idea to sneak out of work..." YDI.

First you misspell "definitely", then you use "sneek", and then you go with "snook"? Really?? That's...I Can I just slap you?


ellytoad 13

A Doritos milkshake. That's one drunken exploit I haven't heard of before. Try to never use alcohol to enhance your creativity in the future. In your case, the results could be nasty.

TheDrifter 23

Sloppy drunk in the middle of the afternoon? I'll bet you're a great date, but I have some advice for you... don't accept that ride home from the guy driving the windowless van.

The fact that something like a nacho cheese Doritos milkshake came from your drunken head is the saddest part of this FML.

whenever I'm hung over, I just stop being hung over and be awesome instead.

KingCeltic77 18

Be thankful you didn't get caught. YDI.

The most important question is "did you actually find the way back to YOUR house?" If it was someone else's house this FML takes on a whole new perspective.

milkshake idea sounds something like from Epic Meal Time.