Never attempt this

By rock'n roller - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my bandmate and I decided to propose to our girlfriends, who are also in the band, at the same time in the middle of a concert. His girlfriend said yes. Mine ran off the stage crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 247
You deserved it 6 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse. She could have tried crowd surfing her way out of there..

With her running and crying it sounds like Nickelback came on stage right when you proposed. Sorry buddy.


Goblin182 26

How do you get to the point in a relationship where you absolutly know you want to marry this person and not know if they want the same thing?

goliatron 9

Looks like the band is no more...

Bad move! Not a good idea to do this to a girl. Intimate strings are the way to go, especially if she isn't an attention lover.

It could of been worse, she could of said yes and then tell you no later so you would have to explain to everyone what happened, still though that really sucks

Axel5238 29

Yeah making a big show of the proposal doesn't go well. A quick search online and you can see the # of videos where it went wrong. The sports one particularly, a lot of people do not like being put on the spot and feel huge pressure to say yes or be thought of being a mean/bad person by friends and family for saying no. Big showy proposal only works if you are absolutely sure and you have to consider the persona's personality and whether they'd even feel comfortable being asked like that. A lot preffer something quiet and romantic .

hegelol 7

.. Could have been tears of joy eh?

If she ran off crying, she obviously wasn't ready, and he probably either didn't talk to her about it before or only saw what he wanted to see. As humiliating as it must have been for OP (and believe me, he does have my sympathy), any time you put something that personal out in public, there's a chance it won't go well. I think that 99% of the time, public proposals just put undue pressure on the person being proposed to and turn what's supposed to be a beautiful moment into a performance.

It seems like a lot of you are overlooking the fact that she's in a band. I doubt she had a stage fright moment. And stop pushing your preferences onto others. Not everyone thinks it should be a private thing. I'd love it if someone put the effort in to make it a big deal. You just have to know what your partner would prefer and be sure he/she would be okay with sharing the moment with a ton of people.

She might be the bassist. Most bassists I know are incredibly shy.