Never again

By Catsfordays - 20/08/2015 06:02 - United States - Yucaipa

Today, I went on a date with someone I considered a real catch, my potential soulmate even. He ended up telling me about his fetish for "female smells", sang loudly in Italian in a crowded restaurant, and ate most of the food on my plate. Man, fuck dating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 929
You deserved it 2 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You considered him a real catch and a potential soulmate... why, exactly? All based on looks?

Don't sweat it, OP. You'll find your real soulmate someday. You can just laugh this experience off later; it'll be a great story to tell.


Just get a dog. He will really love you :)

Seems like a keeper. Like, I'd totally do that on a date myself.

Rectov 10

Why did you think he might be your soulmate. "Oh he's not fat he's my soulmate"

can you please elaborate on "female smells"? because I'm here thinking of the worst possibilities

Yeah what made you think he was a catch/your souls mate

I'm curious as to why you considered him such a catch...and potential soulmate. apparently you hardly know him. I'm guessing you wete basing it on looks and professio. obviously you're extremely shallow. ydi

I'm curious. you thought he was a potential soul mate. what were you basing that on? obviously you hardly know him. ydi