Needed to know

By ohwell - 09/06/2009 21:40 - United States

Today, I finally confessed to the guy I've liked for two years. I told him that I've really liked him for a long time, and that I knew he had a girlfriend and I didn't expect anything from him, I just wanted him to know. His response? "Are you done? 'Cause I need to go to the bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 412
You deserved it 17 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait 2 years and confess when he has a gf? Mm-HM.

Well, you weren't expecting anything from him.... and if he had a girlfriend why bother? if he liked you he would be dating you not her.


You know what, I've been the girlfriend in this situation and it's pretty disrespectful of you to put him in this position, especially when you KNOW he's with someone else. WTH are you expecting? It just creates awkwardness, regardless of how many times you say "I don't expect anything, I just wanted you to know". My ass you weren't expecting anything. The other girl in my case started to pester my bf about why he was with me and how she thinks they would have been a great fit about a week after the "I don't expect anything" speech. Eff off and leave happy couples alone!

Yulia_fml 0

Wow, you're a bitch. Do you really think you'd be ok with it if a girl told YOUR (hypothetical) boyfriend that she's liked him for 2 years? Expecting anything or not, that's a dirty move. Go cry a river, jump in it, and drown please.

See this is why I have never confessed my feelings to anyone. Ever. I've liked the same guy for 4 years, and I never plan on telling him. I'd rather have his friendship. And he has a girl too, so there is no use either way.

myfairyoshi_fml 0

#72 and #73 calm down there... you do have a point but you don't know the whole story. Don't take it the wrong way.......... XD

You asked for it by telling him when he had a girlfriend.

beaniebabe 0

To everyone that says she deserves it for telling him even though he has a girlfriend, sometimes a person needs to let it out and tell them so they can move on. I had to do that once. And although the guy was probably feeling awkward about the situation and didn't know what to say, he could have said something a lot more decent than, "Are you done?" OP, I'm really sorry he said that. That's even worse than "don't worry about it," which is what I was told when I was in that situation.

greatnt249 0

"but you don't know the whole story." I think it's fair to say that we know enough of the story, especially if you've been in this situation before. Seriously, absolutely nothing good could have come from doing what the OP did. "he could have said something a lot more decent than, "Are you done?"" Why should he? He didn't ask to be put in the awkward situation.

Ouch, at least you're better off without him!!!!!

Yulia_fml 0

#75 - what twist to the story could there possibly be that would justify this girl's behavior? I don't care if she considers his current gf to be a bitch, or she thinks that they're perfect for each other, or anything else. He's taken. She had 2 years to tell him. There is NO excuse for being so morally low and selfish.