Nearly there

By baby_trex_arms - 05/05/2015 15:13 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had to play the hot and cold game with my boyfriend until he found my clitoris. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 444
You deserved it 5 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

Cut him some slack OP, atleast he's trying, most guys don't even bother according to this site.


I will never understand why so many dudes have a hard time finding it.

you could have just put a finger tip on it and said "here"... why play games and then complain...

why not just tell him so he knows? if you have to tell him more than once, then it's annoying

subzero22 8

Your gspot I could understand but wow lol

Matty_AA 11

In the age of the internet, how can you just not look it up online? Oh that's right, most guys don't care. I wonder where OP's BF started. Her belly button?

Well think of it this way: you're training him to be a sex machine, specifically your sex machine. No one starts out a pro... unless you're a metal guitarist and it's your first time fingering a girl.

OGDono 12

It's better that he knows right. Obvi he wants to please you instead of just himself!