My body hates me

By Pain_intolerant - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I caught my finger in a sliding door. It made me pass out and give myself a concussion. My genetics would rather slam my face into the floor than deal with a pinched finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 987
You deserved it 5 091

Top comments

Your brain is trying to save you from the pain of pinching a finger. You should be grateful rather than complain about the fact that your brain is obviously smarter than you are. Wait, what?


Its your Mum's fault then! Naughty Mummy :( lol

5starchickz 0

That happened to me once. I was at the salon getting my hair styled and suddenly woke up in an ambulance. Doctors never could explain what happened.....

that has nothing to do with genetics. Genetics is what makes you look like you do and such, it has nothing to do with making you pass out. I suppose if it is a problem one of your parents have you can blame it on genetics

nvm sorry OP I did not read your comment

sucks doesn't it, but I'm the same way.

Shaggy_92 5

this made me laugh cus ur a pussy and you had ta bitch about it. suck it up boy, I know girls way tougher than you are.

insanelyXnikki 18

That sucks. I did the same thing, smashing my thumb with a paving brick, and then I blacked out and nearly collapsed onto a pile of bricks.

PhishloverA 14

I don't even want to imagine what would happen if you slammed your leg in a car door

What does genetics have to do with you passing out?