Mom won this one

By duuuuude - 17/04/2009 03:08 - United States

Today, I was home alone while my mom went out to dinner. I decided to hop in the shower, and I noticed my mom left her douche in there. After, I texted her telling her what I found and that it was gross. Her response? "It's not gross. It came from my vagina, like you and your sister." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 986
You deserved it 23 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eresbel 0

#3 isn't being graphic. People need to get over it - it's a ******. Half of you've got one, most of the other half wants to stick their penis in one. Grow up.

Douching, while being nasty in general is actually rather unhealthy, too. "Douching upsets the natural pH balance in your ******, making you more susceptible to yeast infections. It can actually push bacteria up, too (introducing infections). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services strongly discourages douching, warning that it can lead to irritation, bacterial vaginosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease."


Islander_fml 5

Totally your fault. You left yourself wide open for that one. :) Personally, I wouldn't be all that grossed out if I found my mom's douche lying about in the bathroom. And I'm a man. But then, this will likely never happen because my mom has her own bathroom and I don't even know if she has a douche at all.

Kitty34_fml 0

I don't get why some commenters are saying "Grow up! It's just a ******! You're immature if you think that stuff is gross." Don't pretend you wouldn't be grossed out if you found your dad's used condom. Yeah, it's all body parts and body fluids that everyone has, but it's still nasty.

iPhanny 0

LOL #11... Haha, I thought this was pretty funny, but how is this a FML?

kellster 2

Lol, your mom's fantastic! Lesson: don't send her bitchy texts! Does she send you bitchy texts about your crusty cum-socks? Probably not. Get over it, and move out. PS: You DID come from her ******. It was all over your face. Accept it.

mimblewimble_fml 0

SO FUNNY. Your mom has an AWESOME sense of humor. No FML here. Learn to love your mother. And for all of you who can't handle the word ******. That just means you'll never get laid.

lara522 0

How is this an FML? You didn't know that you came from a ******?

SarahBabyCakes05 0

dudeee hahahahaha that is funny as hell.

MukyDaCookie 0

So many FML's are just people not being able to take a joke

_7_Anonymous_7_ 0

Improved. Today, I was home alone while my mom went out to dinner. I decided to hop in the shower, and I noticed my mom left her douche in there. After, I texted her telling her what I found and that it was gross. Her response? "It's not gross. It came from my ******, just like your sister. Not you, you're adopted." FML