Meat is murder

By meatballz - 16/03/2010 04:28 - United States

Today, I went on my first date with a girl I have been infatuated with for months. At the restaurant, the waiter came while she was in the bathroom. I ordered steaks for both of us. Turns out, she is vegetarian, and doesn't like it when men are "overly aggressive." She called me a cow murderer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 450
You deserved it 43 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Cow murderer" is a bit harsh, but you should have waited for her to come back to the table. YDI

definately deserve it. you should never order for someone else, you idiot.


ac4089 0

vegetarians are weak because veggies don't have the same proteins and minerals that's stimulate muscle growth. lack of muscle = lack of stength = weak. whereas vegans are Nazi vegetarians who have joined PETA which in itself kills animals

god damn vegetarians. you're not a murderer. you're doing a favor by eating the meat instead of the kill going to waste. if I were a vegetarian I would have thanked you for being thoughtful and would have politely informed you I don't eat meat. the waitor would understand and i would have my salad.

Peacemaker9 7

and tgats when u say " hell no I'm not a butcher!!!!! I'm a cow eater!!!!" I wouldve said that.

stinky woman shouldve mentioned it in the beginning.

According to a couple of pro vegetarian websites I found, all of the uninformed idealists who are claiming that the non-enhanced vego diet doesn't lack anything are wrong. A couple of quotes: "Vegetarians have to be careful to include the following key nutrients that may be lacking in a vegetarian diet: * iron * calcium * protein * vitamin D * vitamin B12 * zinc" Source: "Many vegetarians lack vitamin B-12 simply because it does not exist naturally in any non-animal forms." and "Plant sources contain a significant amount of iron, but in nonheme form, which is more sensitive to inhibitors than iron that comes from animal products. You should do two things to increase your blood-iron levels: 1) consume more plant iron; and 2) avoid absorption inhibitors, such as tea, coffee, and fiber." Source: As for the cry of "Cow murderer!", call her "Wildlife murderer!". It is a fact that production of vegetables results in huge numbers of animal deaths. Anyone who disputes this is deluded. Do they think tht no mice, moles, voles, birds or insects, not to mention lizards, frogs and other animals whose habitats are within the field? Do you think that some nice mammal-wrangler comes and gently guides the wildlife to a save haven? lol To quote one of my favourite quotes "We all feed on death - even vegetarians" That said, it was incredibly presumptuous of you to order for someone on a first date. This was a minor example of what could have gone wrong. What if you had ordered something that triggered an allergic reaction? The correct thing for you to have done is to politely ask the waiter to come back when your friend returned. A decent waiter wouldn't have approached for an order unless you were both there, but that's another story... Anyway, to sum up, you totally deserve it for being a presumptuous douche but it sounds like she was being a horrible reactionary veganazi/feminazi. So you both suck and I'd hate to have to deal with either of you. Enjoy each other =D

Argh! did myself in. Check grammar before hitting "spill" lol. The sentence that read "Do they think tht no mice, moles, voles, birds or insects, not to mention lizards, frogs and other animals whose habitats are within the field? " SHOULD say "Do they think that no mice, moles, voles, birds or insects, not to mention lizards, frogs and other animals LIVE within the field?" Aaarrrgghh! again. lol

it's good that you realize that she's a freak before u get too involved

cactus_fml 0

What a bitch. She could have just been polite. It's obvious you didn't know and were trying to treat her nice on your first date (steaks aren't the cheapest thing on the menu), and she was a complete bitch. Not to mention the fact that she's one of those angry vegetarians who can't just keep their choice to themselves.