Lookin' good

By scruffy - 10/05/2011 17:24 - United States

Today, I woke up late for a job interview. I hadn't shaved in six days, but figuring I could do so en route, I grabbed my electric razor and ran for the bus. While shaving, the razor's battery died midway through, leaving me to attend the job interview with a Miami Vice scruff on half my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 035
You deserved it 38 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kh8975 4
sydmadhurf 6

did u think that was gonna end well??


heyimjennyFML 5

haha I thought it said you hadn't showered in six days.

:D ............. you are learning young grasshopper

jesbar95 10

Why would you shave face on the bus.?

BamBarBiYaKergud 2

if u had lighter with you u could complete your shaving as 1 2 3 loooooooooool

"shaving as 1 2 3 laughing out out out out out out out out out out out loud" ?

First, shaving on the bus is just gross. Second, if you can't prepare enough to shave the day before and wake up on time, you obviously doesn't deserve a job. And third, never rely completely on electronics, they do fail sometimes. Always check the day before if you have enough battery in the things you gonna need.

XxbrokeNCYDExX 6

should have woekn up earlier tisk tisk tisk!

chaldochamp3 6

YDI for not preparing for a job interview.

Inspired22 11

This is too funny! Wake up on time next time. But I really wish I could see what you looked like...the crazy shave, plus the look on your face. Muaha!

Kingspin 0

Um... You left your shaved facial hair on the bus floor, I'm guessing?