Look at this

By CompleteWithPictures - 14/07/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, I was having dinner with some friends at an Applebee's. I couldn't decide on what I wanted, and after about 10 minutes of me flipping through the menu, our waiter brings over the braille menu complete with gigantic pictures of all the dishes and says, "Here, I thought this might help." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 151
You deserved it 46 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell does the braille menu have photos??

why does the Braille menu have pics???!!?


Nissi 17

Hahahah! Oh, that's awesome. :'D YDI and FYL.

you deserve it for wasting your groups time. seriously, 10 minutes to decide what you want? you aren't making a lifelong choice here. also, lol @ the morons who don't understand what the various stages of blindness.

What a jerk. So what if it took you 10 minutes to figure out what you wanted to eat. I would have drawn him a picture of a big penny for his tip for being a smart ass.

skullbuster 0

I don't know if anyone should be outraged by this. The whole response depends on how the waiter did it. If he was going for some laughs at your table and he was smiling/friendly when he did it, then good for him. If he was being a snotty asshole when he gave you the menu, that's a different story. Laughter disarms people and when you are schilling shitty food for tips at McApplebees, you have to work hard for 'em. I feel bad for wait staff, there isn't much of a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day when your big goal was to refresh my soda 6 times at dinner.

LOL. I think to truly judge the waiter, we'd need to know more about the way he presented the menu. If he did it jokingly.. then it's hilarious. If he was serious (and not trying to help) then.. he's a bit of a dick.. but it's still hilarious!

every menu should have pictures, it helps alot lol.

skullbuster 0

Chef Gordon Ramsey, in between calling people ***** and wankers, says that pictures on the menu are a sign of a shitty restaurant!

And we care about some faux chef on TV....why?

skullbuster 0

In the words of Chef Ramsey, bleep off you bleeping bleep bleep bleep! Of course we care about some faux chef on TV asshat, he wouldn't be on TV season after season, series after series, if we didn't! Some people are really dense.

well he is a famous and renown chef.. but im gonna have to disagree with him on that one.

chocoLIFE_fml 2

That waiter was awesome. If I got a picture book for a menu I'd be more likely to try new things, since most dishes look delicious by photo and not by description/ingredient.

He/She was trying to help... I don't get why this is an FML.