Look at this

By CompleteWithPictures - 14/07/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, I was having dinner with some friends at an Applebee's. I couldn't decide on what I wanted, and after about 10 minutes of me flipping through the menu, our waiter brings over the braille menu complete with gigantic pictures of all the dishes and says, "Here, I thought this might help." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 151
You deserved it 46 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell does the braille menu have photos??

why does the Braille menu have pics???!!?


It doesn't even take fat people at McDonald's 10 minutes to decide what they want

skullbuster 0

Why does everyone assume the fat people love McDonald's? I've seen this one a lot recently. Have you people eaten there, the food tastes like shit - and the fattys would have to eat a lot of it. I'd think it would be more likely to point to any number of franchise/chain restaurants as the culprit!

It's the stereotype, but yes in essence you could say that for any number of fast food places.

carrie84 0

that's such a bitch move, I love it! YDI for being slow.

bon7 0

ok it seems a little unecessary to spend ten minutes deciding what you are going to order at applebees. and yeah who even eats there?

Why can so many women just not make up their minds at the table? I don't get this phenomenon.

It has nothing to do with gender, #74.

unknown12341 0

i would say **** u mother ****** you can suck my dick bitch do i look blind. na your girlfriend looks blind dont she yea i bet i got more pink in a week than u get in a year.

I dont blame you. It's hard to order food from applebees when they have such a shitty selection D:

Haha, you deserved that, just pick something. I have a pet peeve of people who take too long to pick shit.