Let's slip out of here

By Anonymous - 07/04/2009 02:11 - United States

Today, my friends and I saw a movie. We sat in the balcony. Halfway during the movie we heard a commotion, thinking it was a group of unruly teenagers like us, we began to pelt the lower half of the theater with candy. We later learned that it was a man having a heart attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 923
You deserved it 100 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would YOU like to have to clean that up?

Why not be showered with candy when you get a heart attack? It's an awesome way to die


Wow, YDI big time. I'm sorry..... Oh wait, no I'm not.

This FML sounds too much like the one where an OP was trowing popcorn at a dude with tubes in his neck.

So basically you decided to act like children because you thought a group of teens were being rowdy.

what is wrong with you? you could've looked down instead of jumping to conclusions

Today, I was watching a movie when halfway through, I got a heart attack and fell to the floor grasping my chest. Then some idiots started throwing candy at me from a higher seat. FML

I accidentally hit FYL. Hate when that happens, especially when it's something that they 100% deserved like this one