Let me Slytherin

By Wisconsin love - 13/12/2010 17:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend thought it would be funny to speak Parseltongue to my vagina to "prepare the Chamber of Secrets for entry". FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 987
You deserved it 10 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lil_miss_blair 0

don't complain, your boyfriend rocks.

After that, did he conjure up an ****** with his "magic wand"?


sexynerd 0

Parseltongue is used to speak to snakes but not only snakes can understand it, wizards who know parseltongue can talk to each other using it, and if u watched the movie, harry opened the chamber of secretes in moaning myrtles bathroom by saying open in parseltongue to the sink(the only snake there was sketched into the side of the sink) he also used it later in the chamber to open another door that had metal snakes on it

he uses is to get that snake away from Justin when malfoy shot the Snake out of his wand at Harry during dueling lessons taught by professor snape and professor Lockhart

boatkicker 4

And in book 7 with Mrs Bagshot.... or whatever.

u reprayed this after posting it as a reply to another comment, and it still fails

I loved the part where you said "whatever," so that wouldn't look nerdy.

boatkicker 4

It was so that I didn't leave too much in the way of spoilers. Although now that I think about it, the books been out for long enough that anyone whose going to read it already has, and the movie's out now too (that part anyways), so there's not really any reason to dance around that anymore.

I thought You-Know-Who wasn't into relationships. Or sex. Or any form of human intimacy at all. Sorry Bellatrix.

That was just my excuse for not being able to get any...until now. ;)

boatkicker 4

You could easily have had Bellatrix! Do you find the idea of sleeping with another man's wife unfavorable? Does that mean you actually have some strange morals? I'm surprised!

actually, not just you know who is a parselmouth. it may have been Harry or Salazar!

@75 - Nah, Bellatrix was always too much of a clinger. @129 - True, but Salazar died over 1,000 years ago, and Harry wouldn't cheat on Ginny.

JessieMongoose 11
maniac310 2

FHL for having such a boring ass gf

xXAlexxXx 0

I'm gonna steal your boyfriend. that's ******* amazing.

feliciam 0

omg I know her boyfriend sounds amazing!!! well if someone did that to me it might be a turn on hahahahha!

JasonJ 5

Okay I HAVE to meet the guy now! That was a complete WIN! your boyfriend is awsome!

that is funny! FYL for not having a sense of humor!