Let down

By heartbreakkid21 - 14/05/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, I was on a date with this girl I actually like. The date was going really well and it seemed like it would be a good night. While in the movie theater, I went to hold her hand and instead she gave me a hand shake and said, "You're so funny, I'm so glad we're friends". FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 181
You deserved it 5 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, owned at least she was nice and took it in stride it could have been worse. She could have jumped back disgusted and screamed "WHAT THE HELL!? WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING ME!?! RAAAAAAAPPPPPEEEEEE!!!"

Sucks. Sounds like both of you had a different idea of what was going on...


PoeGyrl_fml 0

Dude that sucks it didn't work out but it was probably awkward for her too not knowing what to say. At least you know how she feels and didn't have to hear the "I like you as a friend" or "Its me not you" thing.

ThiboDude 0

That happened to me just last weekend D:

on the plus side, you are "so funny". you can probably get another girl =]

Zpecial26 0

I agree with #16... When it's a date she's supposed to be aware of it...

IronBird 0

Turn a hand holding pass into a handshake? Jesus, I never thought of that manuever. That would have helped me a ton in my awkward years. FYL, but she's a genius.

Awkward. But it sounds like she likes you as a person/friend, so it's not a terrible situation. It happens to the best of us. Keep your head up; there's another girl out there for you. I find that it's a good idea to make sure both parties know it's a date before making a move. You know, find out whether she likes you as much as you like her first. Or specifically ask her to go on a date or "go out" with you, as opposed to hang out with you.

A long time ago I learned to ask "Do you want to go out on a date?" As Opposed to "Do you want to go out sometime." Women can read the second one many different ways. I also learned to be a bit of a Dick to them-Be late, don't show etc. if you are too nice, you will be stuck in the "Friend Zone". I would have said "I'll be right back", then went home in your situation.

cmbx3 0