Leave me alone!

By notcool - 15/09/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I learned that my anxious and obsessive mother is going to drive three hours every weekend to attend a Johns Hopkins medical course on stress reduction. Why is this bad? I just left home for college and have enjoyed my last two weeks of freedom without her around. I attend Johns Hopkins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 378
You deserved it 3 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyKaya 0

Wow...I'm a college student, and it would drive me INSANE to have my mother around that much. FYL.

oh god. she probably signed up for the course to spend more time with you. that sucks, I'm so sorry.


brie3 0

just be lucky that you got into John Hopkins

fxdxhk90 0

I hear ya. My parents live 4 hours away and I'm afraid they could give me a surprise visit anytime.

aghaffar189 0

aww poor thing, your only going to arguably the most prestigious medical school's in the world. i would go there even if that meant having my mom as my roommate.

nikkiandyou 0

not being mean, but thats sort of selfish of you. thats probably the only way your mother can go to that course. if i were you, id be happy for my mom. dude, i know it sucks but you dont have to be with her all the time.

Apparently ur mother didn't enjoy your freedom .

If it makes you feel any better, my mom was so anxious and obsessive that she moved with me to college. I'm a senior now, and I have a 10 PM bedtime and the only way I can eat anything "not healthy" (which includes stuff from sweets to beef) is behind her back. I have to call her when I get to campus, when I eat lunch and before I leave campus to come back home. Whenever I make a hint about living on my own next year for grad school, I pay dearly for it. So I definitely sympathize, but remember, it could be worse....

It says the OP just left 2 weeks ago to college. He or she is probably not in medical school.

um, OP is attending JHU undergrad. which is not the same campus as JHU Med. believe it or not, there are actually *gasp* non-premeds at Hopkins! O_o;;

ihatebikez 0

I smoked pot with Johny Hopkins. Ha, but that sucks man.

Of course he's gonna stay at JH, its the most prestigious and best med school in America if not the world. You go to JH on your med resume, you got a job anywhere, no questions asked and 6 figures in your salary.

Wow I hope this isn't your mom... http://news.aol.com/article/student-kills-intruder-with-samurai/670061