Leave me alone!

By notcool - 15/09/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I learned that my anxious and obsessive mother is going to drive three hours every weekend to attend a Johns Hopkins medical course on stress reduction. Why is this bad? I just left home for college and have enjoyed my last two weeks of freedom without her around. I attend Johns Hopkins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 378
You deserved it 3 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyKaya 0

Wow...I'm a college student, and it would drive me INSANE to have my mother around that much. FYL.

oh god. she probably signed up for the course to spend more time with you. that sucks, I'm so sorry.


ohh that suckss :/ try to stay away frOm herr iGuess.

Just don't be available right before or after her class. Is that so hard?!? PM me your pic for a pass that will allow you to go off campus.

you're a creep, creep. have fun being creepy.

Since when do you need a pass to leave a college campus???

doesn't mean you have to see her. just stay under the radar

Mignun 0

Ah, that does suck. Hopefully she won't pop into your dorm or something. That would be embarrassing.

Oh man.. I go to JHU and I thought this was going to about samurai sword kid. :/

Blueoceanz84 0

i'm waiting for all the jhu-samurai-sword-related FML's to come flooding in tomorrow.

wow, that sucks... go out every time she comes

So, is she going to bunk down with you? Did you let her know that her study of stress reduction is ironically causing you a massive stress elevation? (Where was she when Alanis Morissette was writing music?) It could work out for the best, Mom can be a great wingman. She can go up to any woman you want, strike up a conversation and then bring you in and ask, "Have you met my son?" And then you're off to the races (at Pimlico, of course). Now that you are in Baltimore, you can take chicks out to Ft. McHenry, where the "Star-Spangled Banner" was written, and show them your ramparts.

"ramparts"! HAHA! Wow, that has to be the single best euphemism for a penis I have ever heard.

Yea totally! plexico just keeps on getting better and better!

speedbump 0

That was kinda funny, but do you LIVE ALLLLLL DAY ON THIS site?? I mean really, you're in everyyy FML.......

Kinda, yeah. Work is slow right now, but a bunch of new people are coming in to town around the first of October so I should be getting busy then. I hope to still post comments a lot, but I won't be able to engage in a lot of the fun back-and-forth. Plus, I have some insomnia, so I'll pop up in the middle of the night and come here. Enjoy me while you can.

Oh no, plexico! Don't leave ussssss!!!! :(

I'm not leaving, Toxi, but I might not be able to leave these sub-comments during working hours. I still plan to check in a couple times a day to post some top-level comments. I'll still keep in touch with some special people. ;)

the freshman dorms are all grouped together.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A Your brain played this when you learned of her going.

YDI for not putting a cardboard sleeve on your coffee cup