Leave me alone !

By failfailfail - 30/09/2009 13:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a big exam. Twenty minutes in I could feel people turning round looking at me. I ignored them at first, but towards the one hour mark it got more distracting. I stood up and yelled, "Why's everyone staring at me!" I got kicked out. Turns out I was seated directly in front of the clock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 028
You deserved it 51 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's ridiculous. As if you'd do that during an exam, what a drama queen.


SourPatchx3 0

Maybe secretly one of them was staring at you, an wants you to have their babies!!!! Lmao, just kidding, but still YDI.

Wow.. Haha was there a need to overreact like that? Failfail indeed.

um u actually stood up and yelled. ok crazy. ummmm why didnt you turn around to see what theyre all staring at......... thats want i do when it looks like someone is either waving at you/in your direction and i dont know that person, or a similar situation like your....... haha. hilarious though. must of felt like an idiot.

#17, your grammar makes it quite clear you never went to school long enough to even experience exams. OP, YDI though, for lacking common sense.

Paranoia, meet overreaction. Overreaction, meet consequence. Consequence, meet real life. Not the best of bed-fellows, are they? Now you know the "real" kick. *whack*

GodsOfWrath 0

I think Flavor-Flav used to get that a lot when he was in school.

I lol'd hard. Also, YDI for caring whether or not people look at you all the time.... DURING AN EXAM.