Leave it

By caleighrossi - 16/06/2014 00:21 - United States - Ottumwa

Today, I was working my shift at our local nursing home. I was assisting a "sweet", "innocent" 100-year-old lady, and she had a bunch of used tissues balled up in her lap, so I offered to dispose of them in the waste-basket. She told me that if I touched them, she would kill everything I love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 601
You deserved it 5 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lesson learned don't touch old ladies tissues


Whoops! I didn't mean to click YDI! Stupid ass thumbs D:

That's slightly terrifying. I wouldn't mess with that. You never know what she has learned in those years

Why do you assume that someone who has lived several of your lifetimes is "innocent"?

buckeye1 9

She has her secret stash of pot balled up in those tissues. Not something you should mess with.