Learning curve

By diapersplease - 07/06/2015 01:17 - United States - Buffalo

Today, I found out my husband potty trained my stubborn three year-old son who prefers diapers. He managed this by peeing with him and "sword-fighting" with their urine streams. I now have to clean pee off the ground every time he urinates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 734
You deserved it 2 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ktiskool 18

Make them clean it up and see how much longer it lasts


Maybe something target related in the toilet can have him work on his aim and better yet they can sword fight with foam swords maybe...

why the hell are you cleaning it up for them? make your husband do it it's his mess.

Despite being messy, your husband sounds like a fun, energetic and eager man. He also sounds like an extremely involved father!! You have something very precious, so treasure it. This game won't last too long and soon it will be off to another adventure.

You would have to clean up the floor for a while after almost any little boy who's just been potty trained, regardless of how it was done. I think it was a good way, it got him interested and willing to do it. Pee on the floor is nothing new and something you'll get very very used to as a parent.

Try putting something in the toilet like a grape and tell him to hit the grape with his stream!

Three year old still in diapers? What's wrong with him?

wow, this group is waaaay too uptight. This is funny as h3ll and I almost spit my drink out when I read it.... And if we have to be serious (right, on this site)... at least the boy knows that he shouldn't pee in his pants...it's more fun playing with his sword.... as another post said....now drop some targets in the toilet.... until winter comes... then he cab work on his "penmanship* in the snow!