Kids will be kids

By monkey - 19/09/2013 10:30 - United States - Logan

Today, my daughter told me she is pregnant. The father is the foreign exchange student who just moved back to Germany. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 133
You deserved it 5 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get in contact with him, let him know what's going on. Good luck.


nachosbabygurl 9

contact the school and tell them the situation and say you need to get in contact with the father and tell him he is having a baby and either needs to come back or send money

Your daughter is a ****. Sorry for being so brief. It's not like they loved each other. If they did than the German student should come back. It's not your fault, it's your daughter's. They should of not had sex so sudden...let the hate come!!

I'm very curious as to how old this girl is. Surely not that old if she was sleeping with a foreign exchange student. It's really sad these days, how many middle and high school girls are running around pregnant...

You should probably be trying to support her instead of going on FML...

I bet Maury will have fun tracking him down.

xbaconator9000x 16

Tell the school that you need to get in contact with him.