Just stop, please

By fuck you, mum - 11/01/2013 22:19 - United Kingdom

Today, marks the sixth day in a row that my mum has called me to discuss my upcoming wedding. She's obsessed and has intimidated the actual planner I hired into going along with her plans. She's slipped up twice already and accidentally referred to it as her own wedding. Just great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 706
You deserved it 4 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me a lot of my mom... Are you sure you aren't my long-lost sister or something?

Uninvited her.. Fire the planner.. And intimidate her rat so she gets lonely..


jem970 19

Tell your mom to back the **** off! Its your husbands and your wedding. It should be how you want it, I know its your mom but if she has slipped up and called it her wedding multiple times, she needs a reality check.

tj5810 21

Stand your ground OP and don't let it get to you. Been there, done that! It's YOUR wedding, not hers.

How about you find the courage inside of your wasted carcass to politely tell her she can't dominate your wedding? Instead of letting her go along with it and posting it here on the Internet. No sympathy. YDI.

Aren't you charming? Talking about her wasted carcass and then telling her to do something "politely"? Your a hypocrite.

tj5810 21

And to think she's only 15... Yikes.

stripeycrakers 7

I remember when my mom controlled my wedding...It ended in a giant fireball and getting banned from church for life

I'd speak to the wedding planner privately and remind her that it is YOUR wedding. Tell her/him to ignore everything your mother says and arrange all future meetings with her to be free of your mum. I'd also talk to your mother (with your fiance present for support and back-up) and remind her it's your big day too.

If you're paying for it, you have the right to complain.

Wedding planning seems soo boring. Why wouldn't you wanna your mama to plan it all??

tj5810 21

Women usually want to plan their own wedding... Men usually go along with whatever the bride wants. I don't think wedding planning is such a huge ordeal for men so I can see why you say that. It's everything to us women though.

This is why you plan the wedding first, THEN tell everyone :D

Yeah my mother was a complete bitch for my wedding she thought it was hers to just take a deep breath tell your wedding planner that if she calls again to say she was fired and come to you only

Who's paying for it? if she is footing the bill..I would keep my mouth shut and be glad I have a mom that cares that much about me. If not..simply tell her how you feel

Even if mom's footing the bill she shouldn't refer to it as her wedding, it's still OP's wedding. Mom's got some say if she's footing the bill but not that much.

I would only say enough to pick out the dress. I mean... It's OP's wedding. That's not something you can really expect to have a say in even if you're covering the entire cost. It's something you do out of respect and charity. Not to cope with your obvious mental issues.