Judgment Day

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Pratt

Today, my fiancé and I are house-sitting for my future in-laws for the next 3 weeks. They left a bible in both bedrooms, along with printouts of an article denouncing the "sin" of premarital sex. They're such complete whack-jobs, I wouldn't be surprised if they've set up hidden cameras everywhere too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 863
You deserved it 1 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Respect their wishes for not having sex in their bedrooms and have it in the kitchen.

If you two ever need to get in the mood and aren't put off by homoerotisism, there's some pretty adorable stuff between Jonathan and David in the book of Samuel. "Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his belt" (Samuel 18:3).


Sounds like a fun conversation about technique when they get back and watch the hidden cam footage.

jakewill7 7

I know it can be hard dealing with religious fanatics, just don't give it to much attention and enjoy your relationship.

Make 'em a video they'll never forget.

Neko26_fml 4

I wouldn't want other people to have sex in my house either. I find that rude, since most likely they will not be cleaning those crusted up body fluid stained sheets. You should respect their wishes or find another place to have sex.

The issue the OP has is not that they're not allowed to have sex in the in-law's house. It's more about their invasiveness and approach to them having premarital sex in general. They left all that religious material around as a way of criticizing and sending a message that they don't approve of them having premarital sex at all. Despite that it is none if their business whether the OP and her Fiancé are having sex, that's a decision between them, no one else gets a say or gets to condemn that. People need to stay out of other people's sex lives, that's the respectful thing to do.

I absolutely agree, but the way to go about it was not with the passive aggressiveness of the Bibles. That's where I take issue with it. I don't want people having sex in my house so I don't have sex in other people's houses, but if I'm going to tell someone not to do it, I'm going to outright say, "Please don't have sex in my house". These parents seem to think whether or not these two are having sex at all is their business and it just isn't.

Srom_fml 14

They are correct. Having sex before marriage is a sin.

Well, if the OP and their fiancé, my boyfriend and me and millions of other unmarried people and their partners around the world are wrong, then we don't want to be right!

It's not premarital sex if you don't plan on getting married. ;)