Joe Smooth

By riiiight - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Warren

Today, I went on a blind date. The first thing the guy did was ask if I knew what it felt like to have spiders crawl out of my vagina. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 055
You deserved it 5 926


You then ask .." do you know what it is like to have your date crawl out the bathroom window*.

Sounds like he is implying his opinion of you being a virgin for life xD or maybe he's wondering if you are a virgin or not. Either way, this FML is hilarious !

Well, do you?.......... Hahaha... Just kidding. He's weird.

happyfingers 15

That's weird... And.. Random... o.O

He sounds like a creep! I'd get away very fast.

This is why so many first dates are also the last date.

wtf is wrong with people these days...?