Jesus freak

By Max Flynn - 20/05/2011 10:07

Today, while driving, a minivan cut me off. Pissed, I started honking and cursing. I then went ballistic when the driver waved out the window, smiling. It wasn't until I was at a stoplight that I noticed their "Honk if you love Jesus" bumper sticker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 395
You deserved it 15 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vatechrules1 0

haha at least it wasn't a pedophile with a honk if you're horny

Jellybean2705 0

I really don't think anyone would take the time to look at bumper stickers after being cut off.


Zombieslayer1 0

he was only spreading a little religious love around. Don't be a hater.

Haha but in AZ road rage will get you shot up... Seriously

yea, bc of course if u cut someone off then you're definitely banned from heaven. Really!? uh not so much. dumb-da-dumb-dumb-dumb

Should have just constantly honked the horn while following the van home

Jesus died for your road rage. lolololol

dejakay 0

Man I'd love to troll the hell out of people like that...

you need to go for anger management yo.