Jesus freak

By Max Flynn - 20/05/2011 10:07

Today, while driving, a minivan cut me off. Pissed, I started honking and cursing. I then went ballistic when the driver waved out the window, smiling. It wasn't until I was at a stoplight that I noticed their "Honk if you love Jesus" bumper sticker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 395
You deserved it 15 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vatechrules1 0

haha at least it wasn't a pedophile with a honk if you're horny

Jellybean2705 0

I really don't think anyone would take the time to look at bumper stickers after being cut off.


I can't stop laughing. maybe the van driver knows s/he's a bad driver and instead of trying to improve skill bought that bumper sticker for such occasions.

Badshah29 6

so u honked 4 loving jesus, wats da FML about dat??? Even we muslims love jesus :p

God was playing a funny little trick on you. I heard him laughing. He's a hardcore.

SteelCladAngel 0 need to ******* chill Jesus Christ so someone cut you's annoying, but not enough to lay on the horn....

armorf0r 7

I bet you anything that this person is just a horrible driver, and this exact situation happens to him every single day, and all he can think of is "man a lot of people love Jesus!"

okay... road rage is just stupid, someone cut you off... oh dear god you might not get to where your going oh no!

ReynshineCutting 10

It's legit to lay on your horn if someone cuts you off an you have to slam on your breaks. That says "hey asshole, watch where you're going" If they just cut you off and you don't have to hit the breaks, there's no reason to. If you didn't have to hit your breaks, just get in front of them and drive 2 under the speed limit.

Why is this a FML are you trying to say you don't love Jesus?