It's business time

By anonymous - 17/03/2015 05:09 - United States - Spokane

Today, I tried to surprise my husband by wearing something sexy to bed. He didn't say anything, just laughed and left the room for 10 minutes. The little confidence I had disappeared, so I changed, feeling stupid for thinking I could pull off sexy. He got mad at me for being confusing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 170
You deserved it 4 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean being laughed at for your attempt at seduction didn't turn you on and make you feel super confident? How strange. No wonder he was confused.

He shouldn't have gotten mad. You deserve better, A for effort!


Am I the only one dying to know Whr he went for that ten mins??? Maybe he went to change into a sexy shorts or maybe to brush his teeth or something???

dky511 3

maybe just maybe when he disappeared he popped a lil blue pill (or something like it)? this would explain the laugh - the im going to get some, the 10 minute disappearance - the wait time for the pill to work, and then him getting angry n call u a tease could be because of the pill- now he has to go to bed with a hardon.

Ouch! Sorry to hear he was such a jerk :( I can't even get the confidence level high enough to wear sexy lingerie, and I know my guy would looooove whatever I wore just because I tried. I hope this doesn't stop you from trying sexy in the future. *virtual hugs*

Countryboy1996 18

Hey, if he isn't treating you right and you want someone that will, I'm available. You're a beautiful girl with options!

I voted YDI because OP wasn't confident. Gotta love yourself before you expect love from another!

heyimrichie 11

hey props to you for keeping this fun and interesting ,

something similar happened to me, he didn't leave the room and said it wasn't right

Last I checked laughing at you isn't foreplay. You might want to teach him the mating rituals of our species.

There are 100s of guys that would of loved the effort you made. I think you might want to find one.

You deserve someone who will appreciate your confidence to rock that body!