
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, at the gym, I saw this really pretty girl. Trying to impress her, I started lifting with heavy weights. One of the weights slipped out of my hand. I then dropped the other one, trying to make it seem like it was on purpose. I dropped the weight on my phone. I squealed. She giggled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 782
You deserved it 88 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoredOne 0

She must have giggled because she was so impressed by your ability to squeal.

Fuck34 0

Bad things happen when you show off. I'm surprised that's all that could have been worse.


deliciouskaek 1

lol - sucks, huh? but i would have thought it was adorable. you should have smiled at her afterward.

now you make the move dumbshit and get that cuddy

cold_steel_13 0

why was your phone on the ground in the first place.. their this wonderful invention called a locker or a pocket... also even if you dropped the other weight i wouldn't purposely drop another one its quite likely it would land on your foot

i find this so hilarious because of the squealing comment... hahahaha

LOL, awesome. I can't believe you tried to show off with lifting weights. She'd be more impressed if you were cool enough not to care what others think and are just proud of who you are and that you take care of youself (rather than doing it for your ego). If she isn't however, she's automatically not worth your time. See? All this is too easy for words - why people make it more complicated than it is, is beyond me.

I would've cracked my ass open laughing. god when guys try to impress, it normally makes them look like complete idiots. it amazes me that they never learn. and I completely agree with #29

dumbkid 0

Who keeps their phone near them like that at the gym? I'm attached to my phone almost 24/7, even if I'm outside running, but when I'm at the gym, I part with it for an hour or so. And seriously, on the floor? Idiot... I hope you had insurance.